About Us
From its beginnings, Parents Empowered has been founded on the premise that underage drinking prevention is a collective responsibility that requires a collective solution.
Parents Empowered is a statewide media and community education campaign with the goal to have every Utah child reach the age of 21 alcohol-free so they can enjoy the benefits of a healthy brain. Because parents play a fundamental role in protecting kids’ healthy brains, the campaign is directed to parents, who are the number one reason kids don’t drink. Research also shows kids are less likely to drink when parents are actively involved in their lives and communicate their strong disapproval of drinking before the age of 21. Funded by the Utah Legislature, the community-based initiative provides parents and caregivers with information about the harmful effects of alcohol on the developing adolescent brain, along with research-based parenting skills to help prevent underage drinking.
The success of this campaign depends on all of us. Because of this, we greatly value your feedback. To send us your comments, questions and suggestions, fill out the form below and we will respond as soon as possible. To get involved, please contact the representative in your area from the list below.
To find out more about Parents Empowered, please contact one of the local substance use prevention coalitions/coordinators in your area.
Check out some recent community prevention efforts across the state and the news coverage they received.
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